Tekst piosenki Max - he was here again , Acid Drinkers

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Sittin' in his strange room
After midnight, under the moon
Thinkin' ' bout fuckin', lookin' through the glass
We're listening to Max, he keeps tellin' all nite.
He never lies, old muthafucker
I don't exaggerate, he's a bloody drunkard,
But at this moment you got nothing to say,
We got no money for wonderful women, no !!
He's spiderman, he climbs a wall
I'm sure, he doesn't know what is fear
I say : Hey, Max, its your third bottle today
I think he's an alcoholic sleep-walker.
He cannot stop when he's telling his tale,
I say, hey, man, fuckin' party is over,
Take it easy, yeah, take it easy, take it slow,
No, no, not me, you gotta go !!
Chorus: Crazy, crazy, what you gonna do tonight
Crazy, crazy, Max you gotta start the fight !!!



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