Tekst piosenki What Happened? , Devotchkas

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One person talks alot of shit and everyone listens
another speaks the truth and no one cares
the scene is nothing but blank stares
no one has a mind of their own

What happened to the music?
I can't hear it!
What happened to the unity?
I can't see it!
What's happened to the scene? It's all lies...

The lies are spreading fast like a nasty disease
the kids are gonna' agree just to appease
you're all full of shit and I don't care
You can take your rumours and shove 'em up your ass

What happened to the music?
I can't hear it!
What happened to the unity?
I can't see it!
What's happened to the scene? It's all lies...

Who are you to judge-you're not a king
Sit on your throne but you'll be alone
Don't let your ego soar cuz' no ones listening
you're gonna' be the one who's left behind

What happened to the music?
I can't hear it!
What happened to the unity?
I can't see it!
What's happened to the scene? It's all lies...

This whole things gonna' blow up in your face
Everyones gonna' realize you're a disgrace
you think you've got the scene by the collar
But people will realize and stop being followers

What happened to the music?
I can't hear it!
What happened to the unity?
I can't see it!
What's happened to the scene? It's all lies...

You think you've got the scene under your wing
but things aren't always as they seem
it's slipping from your fingers as I speak
You're gonna' realize your way too weak



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