Tekst piosenki Church On Sunday , Green Day

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Today is the first day of the rest of our lives
Tomorrow is too late to pretend
everything's all right
I'm not getting any younger as long
as you dont get any older
I'm not going to state that yesterday never was

Bloodshot deadbeat and lack of sleep
Making your mascara bleed
tears down your face
leaving traces of my mistakes
when I say

If I promise to go to church on Sunday
will you go with me on Friday night?
If you live with me, I'll die for you
and this compromise

I hereby solemny swear to tell
the whole truth
And nothing but the truth is what
I'll ever hear from you
"trust" is a dirty word that comes
only from such a liar
but "respect" is something I will earn...
If you have faith

Bloodshot deadbeat and and lack of sleep
Making your mascara bleed
tears down your face
leaving traces of my mistakes
when I say

If I promise to go to church on Sunday
will you go with me on Friday night?
If you live with me, I'll die for you
and this compromise

If I promise to go to church on Sunday
will you go with me on Friday night?
If you live with me, I'll die for you
and this compromise

(Lets go!)

If I promise to go to church on Sunday
will you go with me on Friday night?
If you live with me, I'll die for you
and this compromise

If I promise to go to church on Sunday
will you go with me on Friday night?
If you live with me, I'll die for you
and this compromise
and this compromise
and this compromise....


Zobacz także tłumaczenie piosenki Church On Sunday w wykonaniu Green Day
... i również TELEDYSK do piosenki Church On Sunday w wykonaniu Green Day


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