Tekst piosenki Fuck Off And Die , Green Day

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I'm on a mission, I made my decision
to lead a path of self destruction,
A slow progression, killing my complexion
and it's rotting out my teeth.

I'm on a roll, no self control
I'm blowing off steam with methamphetamine,
Don't know what I want, and that's all that I've got
and I'm picking scabs off my face.

Every hour ,my blood is running sour
and my pulse is beating out of time
l found a treasure, filled with sick pleasure
and it sits on a thin white line.

I'm on a roll, no self control
I'm blowing off steam with methamphetamine,
Don't know what I want, and that's all that I've got
and I'm picking scabs off my face.

I'm on a mission, I've got no decision
to lead a path of self destruction,
Wish in one hand, shit in the other
and see which one gets filled first.

I'm on a roll, no self control
I'm blowing off steam with methamphetamine,
Don't know what I want, and that's all that I've got
and I'm picking scabs off my face.



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