Tekst piosenki She's s rebel - long version , Green Day

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She's a saint
She's salt of the earth
And she's dangerous
She's a rebel
Missing link on the brink
Of destruction
From Chicago to Toronto
She's the one that
we called them whatsername
She's the symbol
Of existace
And she's punching on my
Heart like a hand grenade
When she dreaming
then I'm thinking
what i goona do
if she want to kill me now
when she trouble
then I'm trouble
don't it a double
or my heart gonna detonate

She's a rebel
She's a rebel
She's a rebel
And she's dangerous

When she's happy, then i'm happy
i love to loocking at her when she is smileing
When she's full of,
merciles then
i want to stay with her
all of the rest of my life

She's a rebel
She's a rebel
She's a rebel
And she's dangerous

When she punch me,
then i'm punch her
after that i don't now
how explain it to her
When she's crying
then i'm crying
because i don't want
to leave her alone with this

She's a rebel
She's a rebel
She's a rebel
And she's dangerous

She's my presiles
since first birthday
and i'm happy like a hell when she's
breathing for me
When she's hungry
then i'm hungry
because i had my stomach
in her perfect body.

She's a rebel
She's a rebel
She's a rebel
And she's dangerous

She's a rebel
She's a rebel
She's a rebel
And she's dangerous

She's a rebel
She's a saint
She's salt of the earth
And she's dangerous

She's a rebel
She's a rebel
She's a rebel
And she's dangerous



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