Tekst piosenki Quit Lyin' , Retard-O-Bot

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I don't give a fuck what you think's great
Fuck what you've learned
Fuck what youd say
We get lead around (the fucking run-around)
and expected not to complain

I don't give a fuck what you think's great
Fuck what you've learned fuck what you say
We get lead around (the fucking run-around)
and expected not to complain

A fake promise pile like a pile of shit
If you don't get it I'll explain it again...
Again, again, again, rinse, repeat dry.
Hang up your life (lies)
Washed up to Dry

I don't give a fuck what you think's great
Fuck what you've learned fuck what you say
We get lead around (the fucking run-around)
and expected not to complain

I don't give a fuck what you think's great
Fuck what you've learned fuck what you say
We get lead around (the fucking run-around)
and expected not to complain

Grade school, middle, high, now welcome back
The same place you were when your mom crapped you out
The same situation, you don't gotta do shit
Shuggested servings swallowed, hollow
Now you wallow in shit

I don't give a fuck what you think's great
Fuck what you've learned fuck what you say
We get lead around (the fucking run-around)
and expected not to complain

I don't give a fuck what you think's great
Fuck what you've learned fuck what you say
We get lead around (the fucking run-around)
and expected not to complain

Denial child, people crying 'cause they don't know
If they are supposed to fight or let go ... of their dreams?
Theres not a second to give
Grief mounts itself and now our fun short lived


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Serwis Młodzieżowy.pl, w tym cała redakcja, nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za tekst piosenki Quit Lyin' - Retard-O-Bot . W przypadku naruszenia jakiś praw, prosimy o kontakt.


