Tekst piosenki Camouflage , Third Eye Blind

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Justice comes into your life and then you'll know
You'll know, you'll know
Justice comes, just a day to go
Get the justice coming for you and I
I get the joy
Joy when it comes my joy
I get the joy
Justice comes to everyone
Why does a willow weep when all I see's a tree grow
All in camouflage everyone I know
We walk along like sequel, you're a cameo
You've got your joy
So find the people of your own

I'll take in anyone who's taking off their camouflage
Go on check it
I'll take in anyone who's messing up the sabotage
You don't destroy
I'll take in anyone who's taking off their camouflage

Gimmie the ball, gimmie it all
Big orange ball
Roll up over fields
I shame the devil cause I throw it down
So hard I rock the big line
I rock the back yard
Be a dream in color even on a winter's night
Thinking George Seurat, afternoon bathed in light
Get your joy no matter who says it's right
Their cover's blown
Find the story of your own

I'll take in anyone who's taking off their camouflage
Go on check it
I'll take in anyone who's breaking down the sabotage
To yourself don't destroy
I'll take in anyone who's taking off their camouflage
OK in the geometry of the
Prism of my eye
Will flow
I ask the questions and wonder why
Only to roll in a big arrange ball
That floats in a summer sky

(secret words never to be printed)

Take it up from the underground, proactive and soul
Play a vital roll that's what you are

I'll take in anyone who's taking off their camouflage
Go on check it
I'll take in anyone who's taking off their camouflage
To yourself don't destroy
I'll take in anyone who's taking off their camouflage



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