Tekst piosenki No Line on The Horizon , U2

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I know a girl who's like the sea
I watch her changing every day for me
Oh yeah
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

One day she's still, the next she swells
You can hear the universe in her sea shells
Oh yeah
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

No, no line on the horizon, no line

I know a girl with a hole in her heart
She said infinity is a great place to start
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

She said "Time is irrelevant, it's not linear"
Then she put her tongue in my ear
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

No, no line on the horizon, no line
No, no line
No, no line on the horizon, no line
No, no line

The songs in your head are now on my mind
You put me on pause
I'm trying to rewind and replay

Every night I have the same dream
I'm hatching some plot, scheming some scheme
Oh yeah
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

I'm traffic cop, due de marais
The sirens are wailing but it's me that wants to get away
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

No, no line on the horizon, no line
No, no line
No, no line on the horizon, no line
No, no line


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