Tekst piosenki That Lucky Old Sun , Kenny Chesney

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Up in the morning
out on the job
work like the devil for my pay
lucky old usn
aint got nothing to do
roll around heaven all day

fuss with my woman
toil for my kids
sweat til i am wrinkled and grey
but that lucky old sun
aint got nothin to do
roll around heaven all day

dear lord above
cant you see im cryin
tears are in my eyes
send down a cloud with a silver lining
take me to paradise

show me that river
lead me across
and take all my troubles away
like the lucky old sun
ill have nothin to do
roll around heaven all day

dear lord above
cant you see im cryin
tears are in my eyes
send down a cloud with a silver lining
take me to paradise

show me that river
lead me across
and take all my troubles away
like the lucky old sun
ill have nothin to do
roll around heaven all day

but roll around heaven all day....



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