Tekst piosenki My turn , Kulturka

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It could never be again the way its been before
It could never feel again the way its łelt before
Cos it's over baby, colder now, nothing left no more
Cos you took it all with you when you walked out the

Nothing really mattered
Gone and left me shattered
Took my heart and broke it
Took my life and choked it
Now you're in the window
Tryin' to find where we go
I can't risk the hurtin'
Though I need you (certain)

Now its my turn for life, my life
And now I can't give you the right, you're right
And the pain is shining too bright, so bright, still
Now I'm gonna fight my fight, my fight

I can never love again the way I loved before
I can't let you in again to hurt me any more
Cos' I'm stronger baby, harder now
Can't toy with me again
Had to find whafs left of me when you walked out
the door

Had to find what mattered
Feelings bruised and battered
Though my heart was breaking
Its my life Im making
Now you're keen for knowing
Where our lives are going
I tell you going nowhere
Don't you say it's unfair!

Now its my turn...



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