Tekst piosenki American Boy , Taylor Swift

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Poniżej prezentujemy Wam tekst piosenki American Boy , Taylor Swift
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American boy, living life as it goes
Sittin' on the fence posts
Living in the lie
American boy, living in the real world
Trying just to get the girl
Trying to survive


The simple things in life are always new
growing up on Sand Hill avenue
Mama makes her cookies and daddy's just
the greatest living hero that ever was
Nothing in the world can ever once destroy
the hope of an american boy

Living off of bar tips, trying for relationships
looking for the love
Suddenly rise, an american beauty
suddenly he cheats, sent from above


The simple things in life are always new
growing up on Sam Hill avenue
Mama makes her cookies and daddy's just
the greatest living hero that ever was
Nothing in the world can ever once destroy
the dream of an american boy

American boy, raising little babies
hearing daddy maybe, I'll be like you
Suddenly life, seems just like a new dawn
that's grown up, american boy


The simple things in life are always new
growing up on Grandview avenue
Mama makes her cookies and daddy's just
the greatest living hero that ever was
Nothing in the world will ever once destroy
No, nothing in the world will ever once destroy
the hope of an american boy


Zobacz także tłumaczenie piosenki American Boy w wykonaniu Taylor Swift
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